1:1 Health Coaching
3-month Astro-Health Coaching Program
Our coaching program is an opportunity to work with you toward your health and wellness goals in a series of follow-up sessions, scheduled for 60 minutes on a weekly basis for 3 months. These 12 sessions will give you space to experience and overcome challenges while firmly establishing sustainable shifts in your habits to last a lifetime.
The content of the program is uniquely tailored to your bio individuality, based on your health history, your natal chart and your desired goals.

How does it work?

During your free initial consultation and then, in our first session working together, we will assess your health history. We will review your natal chart indications to create a personalized plan to achieve your wellness goals.

In our weekly meetings we will work to help you become more in sync with your body’s cues and build the confidence to make lifestyle adjustments and new long-lasting habits that will improve your health.

For the duration of the program, we can connect in between sessions during office hours via WhatsApp or email whenever you require support. Feel free to reach out, your questions are welcome.
My Wellness Astro Profile
If you’re not yet ready to commit to the comprehensive 3-month Astro-Health Coaching Program, you can opt to start by understanding your health profile through the My Wellness Astro Profile. In a 60-minute session I’ll walk you through your personalized report uncovering the cosmic influences on your well-being, offering valuable insights into your physical and mental health and your body’s strengths and weaknesses based on your unique astrological alignments.
The benefits of My Wellness Astro Profile are manyfold:
- Identify Strengths and Challenges: Discover the nutritional deficiencies that might be at the bases of your ailment.
Personalize your Diet and Lifestyle: Use the report to make informed decisions about lifestyle, diet, and wellness strategies that adjust to your uniqueness.
Discover how your mind and emotions interact with your body
Prevention: Use the report as a foundational resource for optimizing health and vitality well before the time periods dominated by challenging planets.
Preparation for Coaching or Self-Guided Exploration: There’s a difference between knowing the path and walking the path. You can use My Wellness Astro Profile as a compass to continue your self-guided exploration into your well-being.

What is wellness astrology?
Wellness astrology is a holistic approach to health and well-being that uses the principles of astrology to understand and support the individual’s unique bio individual needs. The planets and stars have a significant influence on our physical, mental, and emotional health.
We assess a client’s individual astral footprint, including their Sun sign, Moon sign, Rising sign, and planetary placements. This information is then used to provide personalized recommendations for self-care, nutrition, exercise, and other wellness practices.
Here are some examples of how wellness astrology can be used to support different aspects of well-being:
Physical well-being: identify the best foods to eat for our constitution, which are the exact vitamins and minerals needed, recommend type of exercise, and suggest ways to manage stress and fatigue.
Mental well-being: understand our thought patterns and emotional triggers, develop coping mechanisms, and build resilience.
Emotional well-being: connect with our emotions, navigate relationships, and find your purpose in life.
Spiritual well-being: explore our spiritual beliefs and practices, develop a deeper sense of self-awareness, and connect with something larger than yourself.

It is important to note that wellness astrology is not a replacement for traditional medical care. However, it can be a valuable complementary practice that can help us to improve our overall health and well-being.